Query Metrics

10 Database Queries
8 Different statements
108.12 ms Query time
3 Invalid entities


Group similar statements

# Time Info
1 91.12 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.session_id AS session_id_2, t0.msisdn AS msisdn_3, t0.create_time AS create_time_4, t0.update_time AS update_time_5, t0.menu_code AS menu_code_6, t0.menu_title AS menu_title_7, t0.next_menu_code AS next_menu_code_8, t0.previous_menu_code AS previous_menu_code_9, t0.is_input_request AS is_input_request_10, t0.menu_options_string AS menu_options_string_11, t0.screen_id AS screen_id_12, t0.operator_id AS operator_id_13, t0.service_id AS service_id_14 FROM sys_session_tmp t0 WHERE t0.msisdn = ? AND t0.session_id = ? LIMIT 1
2 0.66 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.code_service AS code_service_2, t0.libelle AS libelle_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.order_number AS order_number_5, t0.enable AS enable_6, t0.transaction_fee_charge AS transaction_fee_charge_7, t0.text_success_payement_sms AS text_success_payement_sms_8, t0.text_failed_payement_sms AS text_failed_payement_sms_9, t0.sms_sender_name AS sms_sender_name_10, t0.in_production AS in_production_11, t0.visible_to_all AS visible_to_all_12, t0.test_number_list AS test_number_list_13 FROM sys_service t0 WHERE t0.enable = ? ORDER BY t0.order_number ASC
3 0.57 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.code_operator AS code_operator_2, t0.libelle AS libelle_3, t0.contact_adress AS contact_adress_4, t0.support_email AS support_email_5, t0.support_telephone AS support_telephone_6 FROM sys_operator_gsm t0 WHERE t0.code_operator = ? LIMIT 1
4 0.29 ms
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.code_service AS code_service_2, t0.libelle AS libelle_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.order_number AS order_number_5, t0.enable AS enable_6, t0.transaction_fee_charge AS transaction_fee_charge_7, t0.text_success_payement_sms AS text_success_payement_sms_8, t0.text_failed_payement_sms AS text_failed_payement_sms_9, t0.sms_sender_name AS sms_sender_name_10, t0.in_production AS in_production_11, t0.visible_to_all AS visible_to_all_12, t0.test_number_list AS test_number_list_13 FROM sys_service t0 WHERE t0.code_service = ? LIMIT 1
5 0.11 ms
6 0.29 ms
INSERT INTO sys_session_tmp (session_id, msisdn, create_time, update_time, menu_code, menu_title, next_menu_code, previous_menu_code, is_input_request, menu_options_string, screen_id, operator_id, service_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
  1 => "1960163419"
  2 => "22998429160"
  3 => "2024-09-28 15:18:04"
  4 => "2024-09-28 15:18:04"
  5 => "MAIN"
  6 => "Bienvenu sur ReservLine"
  7 => "MAIN"
  8 => "MAIN"
  9 => 0
  10 => "-1,libelle,-1+1,Ticket de bus,50+2,Ticket event/concert,51+3,Recharge de GAZ,52+5,Smart Loyer,54+9,Autres actions,56"
  11 => 0
  12 => 13
  13 => 49
7 13.88 ms
8 0.16 ms
9 0.32 ms
INSERT INTO sys_ussd_history (entry_time, operator_code, service_code, session_id, msisdn, source_ip_address, incoming_user_input, sys_response_title, sys_response_option, menu_code, session_flag, output_time) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
  1 => "2024-09-28 15:18:04"
  2 => "MOOVBJ"
  3 => "0"
  4 => "1960163419"
  5 => "22998429160"
  6 => ""
  7 => ""
  8 => "Bienvenu sur ReservLine"
  9 => "-1,libelle,-1+1,Ticket de bus,50+2,Ticket event/concert,51+3,Recharge de GAZ,52+5,Smart Loyer,54+9,Autres actions,56"
  10 => "MAIN"
  11 => "INTIAL"
  12 => "2024-09-28 15:18:04"
10 0.72 ms

Database Connections

Name Service
default doctrine.dbal.default_connection

Entity Managers

Name Service
default doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager

Second Level Cache

Second Level Cache is not enabled.

Entities Mapping

Class Mapping errors
  • The mappings App\Entity\SysSessionTmp#operator and App\Entity\SysOperatorGSM#sysSessionTmps are inconsistent with each other.
  • The association App\Entity\SysOperatorGSM#sysSessionTmps refers to the owning side field App\Entity\SysSessionTmp#operatorCode which does not exist.
App\Entity\SysService No errors.
App\Entity\SysUssdMenu No errors.
  • The association App\Entity\SysPartner#gazTransactions refers to the owning side field App\Entity\GazTransaction#partner which does not exist.
App\Entity\SysCloseStatus No errors.
App\Entity\MobileBipUser No errors.
App\Entity\SysUssdHistory No errors.